Part 14: Still Learning

Image result for electrical engineering for dummies
A book I intend to read thoroughly
Well this is it, the last week of the semester (well in S-STEM at least). I was hoping to finish the construction of the Aquino this semester, but that seems it is not the case. For instance, when testing out a new circuit design it came to my attention that the arduino we were testing with was unable to connect the computer. This means there was no way to upload to this specific chip (a problem we were never thought to check). Just goes to show you that I have a lot to learn, but for what its worth, I have learned more than I ever thought imaginable through this program (especially in this last month). I may do mini updates over the summer as I will continue the construction of my project, and I am aiming to finish it during the summer so that I can begin testing.

Hope everyone has a good summer, and congratulations to some of my fellow scholars who are graduating this semester.


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