Week 31 : The Little Things

This week the name of the game was cataloging all the wiring in the Aquino before testing. I have to admit, testing little stuff like this is more daunting than I expected, not so much in the workload but rather the context. Assuming the preliminary inspection is good I could see my experiment underway very shortly. It feels like I have been here forever just trying to get the ropes, but the weight is somewhat gone now, I think I really figured this out.


  1. The next step is to rework the Arduino and rewire everything to make it more understandable. Also, a new pump since the dang thing likes to leak now and doesn’t want to work again because it has to have a temper. Maybe we could get a little bit bigger pump, so it could withstand the pressure build up from the water.

  2. Im glad to see your work gone a long way ! I recall seeing you and Mario so focused and determined on the current project you were working on last year. It does seem like forever but forever only takes you a step closer to finishing and accomplishing the main goal. Hope to see your project one day in person and see the operations on it. Best of luck and keep on going.


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