My Desired Online Presence

Hey y'all,

So I'm officially one midterm down and a final to go, which means it's time for another post.

This week we've been asked to consider what our desired online presence would look like, and truthfully I don't think I have a full answer to that. On one hand, having a family account, professional account, and private account is pretty standard but that seems pretty bloated. Not only that, but it even feels really bizarre and disconnected. Paranoid as I may be about my anonymity, even I have to admit that having to hope through all these hoops is a bit much. If anything, creating side accounts and secret accounts really speak to the culture of today.

In my experience, while I may not fancy having to be on all modalities it is also essential to have any real communication. Employers want you on LinkedIn, your family wants you Facebook, your friends, and more intimates want you on Twitter or Instagram; it's like we can never be ourselves. 

Ideally, I don't even think I want to be on the internet, as unprofessional as that is. That's not to say I don't want to connect with employers or see family pics, but the idea that someone can peak over a page and discern any idea about who I am because of what I liked and disliked feels cold and alien. If I could just post a single headshot I would probably be fine with it lol.


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